You're either entering your Junior or Senior year of high school, or you're a freshman in college. Some people ease right into the college groove.... others need a little help. We've asked college upperclassmen and graduates to share some advice, so throughout the year, we'll share tips from two people a week. Our second tip is coming from: Alex
- Incoming freshman: don't be intimidated. You'll probably remember every horror story about "fresh meat" you've ever heard but it's really not that horrific. There are plenty of upperclassman, professors and staff that are happy to ease you into this new environment. With that said, be careful. There are freshman who fly out of the proverbial nest and straight into the lion's den. It's easy to get caught up in the freedom and become involved with some damaging situations and people.So have fun but don't lose sight of why you're in college.
- Studying/test taking: study groups are your best friend. Pick out a few students in the front and acquaint yourself with them (this also works in case you have any questions about class). If you have difficulty focusing when studying, it helps to have people around who will keep you on track. Some professors give tests online so be on top of the dates and times.
- Scholarships: be open to asking the staff for help. Majority of them are more than happy to help with finding information on scholarships and other opportunities. Also, check your e-mail daily. You'll regularly receive information on scholarships so you don't want to miss out on any potential scholarships.
- Dorm food: the struggle is real. That's about as good as I can sum it up. Everyone I knew loaded up on the regular snacks (crackers, chips, bread, candy) and some frozen dinners for the fridge (small fridges) but spent most of their time at the local Cook Out or on campus restaurants. Whatever you do, though, keep any open food carefully sealed and locked up. Roaches will try to get the jump on you (so will greedy roommates).
- Dating: like I said before, don't lose sight of why you're in college. College relationships can be new and exciting but they're not drastically different from high school. Drama comes along with the territory especially if everyone and their mamas are involved. And it can get disheartening if everyone seems to be linking up around you and you're single but that can work in your favor. I've learned that the less you're invested in someone, the more you'll be able to focus on you and your education.
- Extracurricular activities: now is the time to put yourself out there. Whether it's volunteering, writing for the newspaper or getting involved in different clubs, extracurricular activities can only help you. People will want to see whether you're involved on campus when looking over resumes. Don't do too much, though, to the point where you're burned out. Find a few you can vibe with and commit. If you don't like them, you can always branch out.
- Hair tips: carry a hair tie and some smoothing creme. Those will come in handy on hot and humid days during walks between classes. If you straighten your hair sometimes, it helps to go natural on those days and rainy days. Trying to fight the elements will result in you using the flat iron several times in a few hours.
- Stress relievers: different techniques work on different personalities. Whether that's meditation, exercise, reading a book, etc. you have to find what works for you. I will say, if that stress reaches a level where you're depressed or contemplating hurting yourself, please, please, please go to the health clinic. From personal experience, freshman year can wear you out quickly especially if you're dealing with issues outside of college. Even if you don't think you're depressed, seeing a counselor at least once can be a good stress reliever.
- Extra tips: 1) Depending on how old your dorm is, always keep a bottle of insect spray. You never know when you'll wake up with a roach on your pillow. 2) I know those stilettos are fierce ladies but the walk to class is even fiercer; a sprained ankle isn't worth it. 3) Don't go into the bathroom without slippers. Just don't. 4) It truly serves to be a kiss ass in class. Your peers may not like you but they're not the ones grading you. 4) Claim your seat within the first two weeks at most. 5) Make the most out of this experience!
c/o 2015
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