Monday, July 8, 2013

Good Bad and Ugly

I can remember sitting in the barber shop. The room filled w/ men, the only exception me and my mother. It actually had the atmosphere of your typical salon just masculine. I sat there listening to the men discuss football, girls and shoes while I waited to be called next to the chair. I sat there examining the man my friend was shaping up. He was a little cutie. Especially with his fresh cut fade. Which of course made me wonder how I'd look after I got up from that very same chair. Would I even still look like a girl? Maybe this is a mistake my hair doesn't look that bad. I say looking into a mirror hanging on the wall. Oh yes it does honey. I admit to myself.  
Finally it was my turn. I sat in the chair looking at my damaged choppy looking hair. There's no point in trying to save the length. My friend Steve was so excited that I had decided to go natural. He's been telling me that a short style would look great on me. His friendly way of telling me my hair is fried perhaps? I half engaged in conversation with him while I sat turned away from the mirror and he took a pair of clippers to my head. I just knew I was going to look like a boy! I'm 5'10 w/ side burns. Ugh. I felt so embarrassed being watched by literally every guy in the barber shop. 
When he finally finished and turned me around the girl I saw in the mirror frightened me. It was definitely me but this could not be my head. This little fuzz ball. I looked like a boy. The compliments coming from my mom and Steve as well as some bystanders floated through one ear out of the other. The only thing my mind was focusing on was this drag queen reflecting back in the mirror. Tears crept into my eyes. What did I just do? 
Steve looked me dead in the eye and told me that I looked beautiful and that my hair cut was bold. 'you're going to get a lot of attention girl so you better own it.'  After I left the shop I felt like everyone was looking at me and they were. I got a lot of compliments on my TWA ! I actually felt really pretty. I still had some insecurity of course. I never really got used to not being able to style my hair. It was nice though. . .while it lasted. Not having to do anything to it, simply wet it and call it a day. 
Many natural say that when they BC'd they were in a state of shock. A shock indeed it was, but it was the beginning of something wonderful. 
I know a lot of people choose to go the big chop route. Many transition. Whatever route you chose to go natural it won't be easy. Its a learning experience. I guess that's why they call this a journey. 
Tell me about your transition into natural hair!

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