Saturday, July 20, 2013

What is good hair?

Is that your hair? Can I touch it? How did you get your hair so curly? Going natural isn't for everyone. I would go natural but my hair is nappy. You have some good hair!

These are a few statements many natural haired women hear from relaxed women. What is good hair exactly? If this was a topic of discussion among a group of friends the answers that you may receive could range anywhere from 'bi-racial hair' to 'long hair'. Which are typically associated together. In our society it seems that 'good hair' is measured in how loose your curl pattern is, when in all actuality it is measured in how healthy your hair is.

It piqued my interest when I noticed that the average person who has returned to their natural state is more concerned with their hair growing long than they are with their hair being healthy.  One of the main reasons why newly naturals are so confused about their natural hair and sometimes discouraged is because although there are a variety of women with different hair textures w/ helpful hair blogs, they all seem to chase after the same goal--perfect curl definition. 

Twist outs, braid outs, flat twists, Bantu knots the list can go on.  How many times have you had an amazing twist out result one day only to be discouraged the next morning because you didn't feel like 'retwisting' your hair? Do you manipulate your curl pattern because you like the achieved style or because you aren't comfortable with your own texture? 

I'm not into the whole hair typing thing. Although they can be similar, no two head of curls are the same. Some women will actually be offended and ready to fight if you classify them in the 4 category. You'd think they just had a relaxer and got pushed in a public pool. Which is the strangest thing to me. We are supposed to be helping build one another up. Not placing different burdens with the same weight. Accepting your hair the way it is, is the only way that you are going to be comfortable being natural and truly enjoy this journey. 


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