Easy hair tips: Don't be afraid to invest in a few wigs. Sometimes it's hard to get your hair to act right when you're in between whatever process is a part of your normal routine.

UnTouch My Hair hopes to stop the negative thoughts you may have about yourself, or at least make you aware that you are beautiful, and there is a solution to what frustrates you about your hair; especially your natural hair. We'll help you find it the answers. We'll do our best to provide you with hair care tips, products, and natural remedies for your hair, skin, and body inside and out.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
On That College Tip #4
Easy hair tips: Don't be afraid to invest in a few wigs. Sometimes it's hard to get your hair to act right when you're in between whatever process is a part of your normal routine.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
What's in the Phytospecific Relaxer??
In almost all cases, hydrolyzed soy protein contains a significant amount of genetically-manipulated soy. The hydrolyzed protein products currently added to foods should be considered a detriment to one's health. There are much healthier sources of soy protein and soy nutrients. [X]
- Lauren
On The College Tip #3
Dorm Food (if you have a fridge and/or microwave):
I always had fruit snacks, real fruit (like bananas and apples), peanut butter, chips/pretzels, red bull, bottles of water, and bread. And of course ramen. Anything that's quick and easy for class, studying, late-night-after-the-club-
And please remember to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS! They make a world of a difference in regards to endurance, studying, and weight gain.
Oh, and every college student should have B-12. It metabolizes the food you eat into energy!!!
Extracurricular Activities:
Get involved with the association affiliated with your major!!! Especially if it's one you have to be invited into (meet the criteria, of course). That's a must and looks great on your résumé (shows commitment to your major/profession). Also, have fun at the club/organization fair freshman year. Mingle. Pick up brochures and cards. Network and talk to an array of people. This is your chance to explore what you do and don't like because more than likely the club you're most involved with in college will either (a) end up giving you some of the best friends you've known and/or (b) end up being a career or hobby your very dedicated to when you graduate.
Hair Tips:
Find out who braids on campus or learn to braid your own hair. Protective styles are your friend!!! If you rather not braid or weave your hair, be sure to perfect styles with minimal manipulation because trust me, after late nights of studying or partying or hanging out, you're not going to want to have to do a lot to your hair in the AM. Also, I loved comparing and sharing products with my friends. We helped each other with our hair and even developed some staple products and regimens.
Now, the more acclimated to your schedule and the more you perfect your time management, your hair will become a part of your identity and walking statement!
Stress Relief:
Talk to someone! You'd be surprised how much better you feel after venting. It's great to have that friend that always listens, but also make sure you know where your school's counseling services are located. They're available to help and provide resources if you feel overwhelmed. Other ways to relieve stress can be working out, writing, taking time for yourself to be pampered or shop (within your budget!), or even taking a nap! Sleep helps.
Hope these tips help, and congratulations on beginning the BEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE!
Teka, C/O 2012 from CNU
Have some tips to share or questions? email untouchmyhair@gmail.com
Thursday, September 12, 2013
On That College Tip #2
Have some tips to share or questions? email untouchmyhair@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
On That College Tip
1. Books before boys.
2. Protect your reputation
3. no dating until your 3rd semester.
4. go to all your classes.
5. stay focused and find someone to hold you accountable for your goals
Have some tips to share or questions? email untouchmyhair@gmail.com
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Blessings and a T-Shirt
This Friday I had my chance to show out. I was so excited! I couldn't wait to go out and stick my chest out so people could look. I went with my mom to get some groceries and to treat ourselves to some cupcakes. While we were sitting on a bench outside, eating our cupcakes, this lady walks past us, and my mom says "Hey I like your hair!" the lady looks at us and smiles and was like "Hiii I wanted to say something to you guys but I didn't want to bother you!" She tells us that she has a natural hair salon a few doors down, and that she makes natural products.
My mom and I of course get really excited and she asks if we're going to be there for a minute so she can run upstairs to get a couple cards to give to us. When she comes back, my mom is like, "Lauren, stand up and show her your shirt!" She tells me she likes it, and I tell her that I'm a natural hair blogger and I focus on natural hair care, styles, tips, and I also do hair. That sparks another wave of excitement with us and the next 10 minutes are filled with us exchanging info about ourselves and our businesses (also about cupcakes) and I find out that she needs natural stylists in her shop!
YESSSS! Hopefully I'll be in a shop soon then, and will move on to the next level in this journey. Y'all don't understand how excited I've been this weekend just off of those 10 minutes
Make sure you visit her website and support her! because just LOOKING at her products are enough to make you want to throw your money at her:
Store: http://silkpaperflower.storenvy.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/silkpaperflower
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Marley Loc extentions over Locs pic tutorial
2.) Second, I sprayed some water and aloe Vera juice on the loc. Don't drench it, give it just enough to give it some moisture, like a mist.
3.) I used some Jamaican castor oil so give it some extra water and seal it in. Since the shaft of my loc is gonna be hidden from any moisture for a while.
4.) I created a loop with one strand of the Marley hair.
5.) I attached the loop to my hair and braided it until there was no more of the loc left.
6.) When there was no more of the loc left to braid I separated on side of the marley hair in two and braided it to what ever length I desired.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Product Review: Cassandra's Hair Potion
SO. Let me tell y'all about my new favorite product: Cassandra's Hair Potion.
Let me start off by saying that I have 3C and 4A hair with a splash of 3B in my 'kitchen'. My hair soaks up oil then acts as if I've never fed it before, so along with conditioning and protein treatments, I either have to moisturize every other day, or put heavier products in my hair to maintain moisture. I went on etsy.com to find some new products to share with y'all (and also shine some light on lesser known businesses), and I came across Cassandra's Hair Potion's page. The picture of the Extreme Moisturizing Cream looked so thick, and creamy, and I HAD to try it, so I immediately emailed her.
Ms. Cassandra was more than willing to share a sample, and I had it in my mailbox in a day. It was very well packaged; I was expecting little tiny jars, but I was blessed with plenty to try. the products came in a thick padded envelope inside another box. I received Peppermint Bliss, Yummy Gumball, and Strawberry Delight, and a Peppermint Hair Mist.
I prefer spraying or wetting my hair first, to make sure it penetrates, but if I put it in dry hair, I won't have to worry about my hair feeling weird and greasy. It still moisturizes. I only moisturized my hair twice last week, and I honestly really didn't have to, but only did it because i re-flatwisted my hair, so basically I gotta break my habit. My twist out curls are light, bouncy, silky, and smooth.
I love this moisturizer better than using Shea Butter. I'm going to be a regular customer. If you're having issues with keeping your hair moisturized, you should definitely try Cassandra's Hair Potion a try. All the ingredients work together to make you and your hair fall in love, and you can tell that she loves what she does, and puts a lot of love and care into her products.
I asked Ms. Cassandra a few questions so you can get acquainted with her:
How did you get into the natural hair business?
What makes your products unique and special?
Where do you get your inspiration for your business?
Advice/message for new naturals?
I achieve my braid out by:
1. Separating my hair into sections. I create sections as I go. The amount of hair in section, depends on the desired look. Smaller sections give a more defined look. The bigger the section the less defined it will be. I usually have 12 braids total.
2. Dampen the section just created with Peppermint Hair Mist. Very important that the hair is not wet, but damp. Wet hair will take a longer time to dry.
3. Detangle the section with a wide-tooth comb and/or a Denman brush.
4. I apply Cassandra’s Hair Potion: extreme Moisturizing Cream as my sealant using about a dime-sized amount. Use less or more depending on hair.
5. Comb the cream through the hair.
6. Braid the section.
7. Make another section.
8. Repeat steps above until all hair is braided.
website: www.cassandrashairpotion.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
tumblr: http://cassandras-hair-potion.
Available for sale at:
* Amazon
* Etsy
* Ebay
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Never-ending Hair Journey, Part II
Friday, July 26, 2013
Never-ending Hair Journey
Monday, July 22, 2013
Daily Regime
Saturday, July 20, 2013
What is good hair?
Is that your hair? Can I touch it? How did you get your hair so curly? Going natural isn't for everyone. I would go natural but my hair is nappy. You have some good hair!
These are a few statements many natural haired women hear from relaxed women. What is good hair exactly? If this was a topic of discussion among a group of friends the answers that you may receive could range anywhere from 'bi-racial hair' to 'long hair'. Which are typically associated together. In our society it seems that 'good hair' is measured in how loose your curl pattern is, when in all actuality it is measured in how healthy your hair is.
It piqued my interest when I noticed that the average person who has returned to their natural state is more concerned with their hair growing long than they are with their hair being healthy. One of the main reasons why newly naturals are so confused about their natural hair and sometimes discouraged is because although there are a variety of women with different hair textures w/ helpful hair blogs, they all seem to chase after the same goal--perfect curl definition.
Twist outs, braid outs, flat twists, Bantu knots the list can go on. How many times have you had an amazing twist out result one day only to be discouraged the next morning because you didn't feel like 'retwisting' your hair? Do you manipulate your curl pattern because you like the achieved style or because you aren't comfortable with your own texture?
I'm not into the whole hair typing thing. Although they can be similar, no two head of curls are the same. Some women will actually be offended and ready to fight if you classify them in the 4 category. You'd think they just had a relaxer and got pushed in a public pool. Which is the strangest thing to me. We are supposed to be helping build one another up. Not placing different burdens with the same weight. Accepting your hair the way it is, is the only way that you are going to be comfortable being natural and truly enjoy this journey.